Preserving Your Flower Bouquets

Flowers are beautiful gift to give to your loved one, but what happens when they begin to wilt and become unsightly? Most people don’t know how to care for flowers once they have them which is the key reason why most bouquets end up dying on a dining room table until they are ultimately thrown away. Of course, the beautiful bouquet you received won’t last forever but, there are a few steps you can take to keep them fresher longer and looking their absolute best.

One of the most important things to remember when you receive a bouquet of flowers is to care for them. Yes, they are pretty, but they do require a bit of attention to maintain that beauty.Preserving Your Flower Bouquets

Most bouquets come with flower food, don’t neglect this small package.

If your bouquet came with flower food, read the instructions carefully and do as it says.

The next thing you should do when you receive a bouquet of flowers is to trim the ends.

By cutting the stems you allow the flower to soak up the maximum amount of water which will keep the flowers hydrated and healthy. It’s best to cut off about one inch and to cut them at an angle for maximum water intake.

It is also important to change the water frequently (every 2-3 days) to decrease the build-up of bacteria.

Lastly, you can refrigerate your flowers at night to maximize freshness. 

Refrigerating flowers at 34-36 degrees Fahrenheit helps to slow their metabolism rate and stop them from wilting.

With these simple tips, you can get the most out of your bouquets by extending their lifetime.

Remember to check Cole’s Flowers blog for different flower tips and tricks. Visit our shop to browse our wide selection of beautiful custom bouquets!


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