Mother’s Day is just around the corner – May 14 – which means that now’s the time to think about ordering some gorgeous flowers to show the special mom in your life how much you care! Check out some of our featured Mother’s Day bouquets below that are guaranteed to bring a smile to mom’s face.
Carefree Spirit
Our Carefree Spirit floral arrangement is filled with leather leaf foliage, yellow lilies, coral roses, peach snapdragons, white and pink alstroemeria as well as bells of Ireland. Arranged in a wide-mouth ginger vase, this bouquet is bright and gorgeous, and makes a perfect Mother’s Day surprise.
Beloved Bouquet
The Beloved Bouquet arrangement is a dazzling mix of pink blooms. Featuring hot pink and white lilies, hot pink garden roses, hot pink mini spray roses and pink tulips – plus a little green hydrangea for good measure – this gift comes arranged in a tall gathering vase. It’s the perfect way to celebrate any mother, grandmother or wife who absolutely loves pink!
Tenderness Bouquet
The Tenderness bouquet is a short arrangement that bursts with pink hydrangea, hot pink roses, pink tulips, pink gerberas and hot pink mini spray roses. The low and clustered design makes this a perfect gift for mom’s office – the ideal reminder of how much her children and family care.
Spring Blush Bouquet
Our Spring Blush bouquet makes a statement with yellow lilies, coral pink gerberas, yellow snapdragons, purple larkspur, coral roses and misty blue limonium. Tell mom “I love you” and “thanks for everything” with this tall, striking arrangement of purples, yellows and pinks.
Lavender Luxury
The Lavender Luxury arrangement is a tall, gorgeous bouquet of lavender roses, lavender stock, mini carnations, lavender asters and purple waxflowers. Set in a tall rectangular vase, this lavender-themed arrangement is the perfect way to make sure mom knows you’re thinking of her this Mother’s Day.
Sweetly Spring Basket
Our Sweetly Spring Basket arrangement is a cluster of lavender stock, hot pink roses, lavender daisy poms, purple aster, and fuchsia and pink carnations. The blooms are all delicately arranged in a whitewashed wicker basket with a handle that mom can reuse throughout the springtime season. Send mom a beautiful basket of flowers that she’ll cherish and a lasting gift to use after the flowers are gone.
Shop our full selection of Mother’s Day flowers online today or call us at Cole’s Flowers at 802-388-4003 to order a special Mother’s Day surprise for the moms in your life.
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