Don’t just send a card. Say “Happy Birthday!” to a special someone in your life with a delivery of beautiful flowers for them to show off on their desk or countertop for their whole birthday week. We have a wide range of bouquets that are perfect for celebrating a birthday at Cole’s Flowers. Here are a few of our favorite ones, perfect for all the special people in your life.
Celebrate Today! Bouquet
Cole’s Celebrate Today! Bouquet features a fun, rectangular vase with purple iris, orange gerberas, purple carnations, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, yellow tulips, green button poms and solidago. This classic celebration bouquet is sure to make any flower-lover smile.
Birthday Confetti Bouquet
For fans of a smaller vase and more modern arrangement, we have our Birthday Confetti Bouquet. This arrangement has a small square vase with pink gerberas, yellow tulips, pink mini spray roses, lavender stock and bells of Ireland. This cheery pink, purple and green bouquet is as colorful as sprinkles on a birthday cake!
Spring Zing Bouquet
If you want to send an even brighter arrangement with a special touch, check out our Spring Zing! Bouquet. This arrangement has a round glass vase and is loaded up with vivid colors from hot pink carnations and lime green poms to yellow poms, lavender tulips and more. Plus, it’s wrapped up in a pretty pastel plaid ribbon – a wonderful gift for a springtime birthday!
Gift Baskets
If the birthday boy or girl isn’t into flowers, maybe they’d enjoy a candy gift basket! We also offer a few gift baskets for the non-floral types: the Junk Food Basket for the candy lover, the Salty Snacks Basket for the snacker, and the Chocolate Lovers’ Basket for the chocolate fiend.
You can place your order for birthday flowers 24/7 on our website, or call us at Cole’s Flowers today at 802-388-4003. Check out some of our customer reviews, and remember, we can even fulfill custom design orders. Order a wonderful birthday gift today from Cole’s Flowers!
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