Your wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime milestone, so, understandably, you might want to hold onto as many mementos as possible from that special day. A popular tradition among brides is preserving the bouquet they carefully selected and carried down the aisle.
While you could always have your flowers preserved by a professional, there are a few easy DIY options you can do at home to save money or just have the experience of doing it yourself.
Try one of these four methods below to turn your bridal bouquet into an everlasting keepsake!
1) Air Drying Method
Although this method may make your flowers slightly muted, it is your simplest option. Remove any wilting petals, tie your bouquet together tightly with string or a rubber band, and hang it upside down somewhere warm and dry, such as the inside of a cabinet, for several weeks. If you can dry them in a spot that’s also dark, this will help preserve as much of the color and scent as possible.
2) Pressing Flowers
Pressing flowers is a classic preservation technique that works particularly well for flat arrangements or individual blooms. Place the flowers from your bridal bouquet between two pieces of parchment or wax paper (one underneath and one on top). Close them between a heavy book, such as a textbook or phonebook, and weigh it down with a few more items. Leave for 2-4 weeks and voila! The press method is perfect for framing flowers for the wall or gluing them into your guestbook.
3) Silica Gel Drying
Silica gel removes moisture from its surrounding environment and will preserve the shape and color of your bridal bouquet. Pick up some silica gel crystals at any craft store and create a bed layer in an airtight container to fit your flowers. Place the flowers on the gel layer, then cover them fully among the petals with more gel, not compromising the shape. Seal the container and let them sit for one week. Handle the dried flowers carefully, as they can be delicate, and you’ll have a perfectly preserved bouquet that maintains its vibrant appearance.
4) Preserve in Resin
Resin is a modern and durable way to turn bridal flowers into unique décor! Start by drying the flowers by air drying or using silica gel to retain their shape and color. Head to the craft store and grab a mold of your desired shape—a heart, initials, etc.—and some clear epoxy resin. Fill the mold halfway with the resin, then carefully arrange the flowers how you want them to look in the liquid. Once set, fill the rest of the mold to the top and let it dry. The result is a stunning, crystal-clear block that encases your flowers, making them a beautiful display piece.
For help crafting a one-of-a-kind custom bridal bouquet you’ll want to preserve and look upon for years to come, enlist Cole’s Flowers to take care of your wedding flowers! Our bouquets range from traditional to modern in style and are available with all the embellishments necessary to make it feel like you.
Call us today at (802)388-4003 to discuss all your wedding flower needs in Middlebury, VT!
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